Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 3

The concept that I found most interesting from Chapter 10 was the concept of marketing strategy. I find it really interesting that companies can find so many different ways of getting consumers to purchase products or join movements or whatever their goals are. They can use anything like humor, guilt, celebrity endorsement, sex, slogans, etc. There are so many different techniques it's nearly uncountable. The ones that tend to work the best I believe are sex and humor. The ones that shine the brightest are definitely during the Super Bowl where they pay millions for the air-time, so they make it count. These commercials are watched by literally millions all at once and have so much power when it comes to marketing advertisement. The fact that millions of people are gathered, watching these commercials and laughing at these commercials and using sex appeal to persuade make it very easy to motivate a consumer to purchase what they're selling.

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