Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 2

In the argument about whether or not plagiarizing should be allowed or not, both authors Sadler and Hunt make valid points. Sadler makes good points about why plagiarism is bad and should be avoided at all costs by students. He makes a list of ten reasons why plagiarism is bad. The way he feels about plagiarism is that it's unethical and that students shouldn't do it. On the other hand, Russell Hunt makes good points as to why it should be alright for students to be able to plagiarize. The argument is a curious one especially from a student's standpoint. I obviously would like to see plagiarism be okay just because it would make assignments easier, but I know that it will never happen because it really is essentially stealing ideas from someone else. I've also had bad experiences when I have plagiarized resulting in strict punishments so I know never to do it again.

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