Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 2

This argument is one that's difficult to really pick a side. Wootan's claim makes sense because the advertising towards children easily persuades them to want to buy the products being offered which contributes to our unhealthy youth. It is a big problem in today's society. However, Liodice's claim is pretty much that any companies that are trying to advertise have every right to use anything permitted by Freedom of Speech and legal to publish. I have to take Liodice's claim on this subject because the children are not buying the products and it really comes down to parents disciplining their children. They need to learn how to tell their children "no" because if they allow the kids to consume the junk food that's being sold, the nation's youth will suffer. It's perfectly fine to advertise in the manner they're doing now. It's just a matter of whether or not the parents will allow them to watch the commercials or buy the products for their children.

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