Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 2

Events where your assumption is wrong and it causes you turmoil are really annoying and inconvenient. In the past I have done things like wake up for class late and I have missed tests because my alarm was set for PM instead of AM at like 6 in the morning and all I do is sleep in for like 5 hours extra. Another instance was when my friends were saying they couldn't hear me until a point where I was border line yelling and then they told me they could hear me the entire time and it was funny afterwards. All it was for was a quick joke and it turned out to  be really funny afterwards. However this can get really serious where you can make a false accusation or something and it has lead to a suicide or something. Like maybe someone joked about cheating on someone somebody truly loved and then the result is them killing themselves.

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