Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 3

A concept that was quite interesting to me in chapter 8 were the deductive reasonings and syllogisms. In the chapter, one of the examples of a deductive argument was that "All men are mortal. All fathers are men. Therefore, all fathers are mortal." By using these 2 supporting premises, one can make a conclusion based on deductive reasoning. However, this concept is not always correct. In another example, it was stated that "All men are tall people. Tom Cruise is a man. Therefore, Tom Cruise is tall." The deductive reasoning in this statement is incorrect because one of the premises is incorrect. Obviously, not all men are tall people, and Tom Cruise isn't a tall man. This shows how it is important to make sure your premises are correct in order to make a logically correct deductive argument. Even the smallest of errors in your argument can make your argument invalid.

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