Out of the possible reasonings, I personally believe that
the strongest reasoning I can use to my advantage and potentially use in a
career choice would be logical reasoning. I feel like logical reasoning would
generally be the best to associate with most careers. In most situations common
sense is used in every basic job, so that would accumulate to an immense amount
of occupations. Since common sense is used generally every day, I have to make
a conclusion that possessing strength in logical reasoning would make any job
easier considering common sense falls under the category of logical reasoning.
Not only the fact that common sense is associated with logical reasoning, but
because a majority of people don’t use deductive or inductive reasoning or they
don’t dissect an argument enough to win. Most arguments are generally based on
logical reasoning so you’d be winning a majority of your arguments.
Logical reasoning is definitely needed in the workplace. When dealing with customers or even other employees it is necessary to have logic. A lot of the time, when one uses logical reasoning, they give an example. An example helps the listener or person that you are trying to convince to follow your logic because not everyone thinks in the same way. I don't know if I would consider convincing the other person of my argument winning, but I do agree that it is necessary to possess basic logic skills to do so. Being able to logically walk through other people's thought process is important too because then you can understand what they are thinking.