Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2, Question 3

For the last question of this weeks chapter, I wanted to go more in depth about Dawkins vs. Aquinas perspectives on the debate of God vs. Evolution. In one of the arguments brought up by Aquinas, it is concluded that "things in the world look as though they have been designed. Nothing that we know looks designed unless it is designed. Therefore there must have been a designer and we call him God..." Why does there HAVE to be a designer? Why can't things just be the way they are naturally? This is where the theory of evolution comes into play because the theory basically proves that things don't need to be "designed" in the beginning and that organisms adapt to their surroundings to survive. It's a much more logical theory to believe than "God just designed them because there was no reason for living things to appear as advanced as they are."

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