Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2, Question 2

This question is difficult to answer considering the standpoints you have to take into account. If you take Aquinas' standpoint, evolution wouldn't even be considered an option. Most of his claims are based on an infinite regress. An example of his claims is that everything must have came from something; something cannot exist without the existence of something else. If you were to believe that nothing existed from the beginning, then there would be no way of anything existing now. This proves that God must be real because there must have been something non-physical to bring at least 2 things into existence to make anything exist. The problem with this statement is that the infinite regress doesn't apply to God. Since nothing from the beginning was in existence, there must be a God, who is immune to the regress, that makes things exist, all for the satisfaction of the theory. There isn't a way this can be proven.

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