Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last Week Discussion, Question 3

Finally the last post! A concept that I feel could use further discussion from this class is probably making decisions while working in small groups, especially designated towards the group facilitation assignment we just completed. In the process of making these decisions, the participants in the sample used various types of communication styles like assertive, passive, and passive aggressive. However this was the only thing I went in depth about in the paper. I feel like there are more topics to discuss when making these decisions in such a limited amount of time. In 20 minutes, hypothetically, the group was supposed to hire one of a given amount of candidates for a Public Relations job. However, the group could only discuss so many pros and cons about the candidates in such a small amount of time. I feel like there could've been more progressive ways of making such a significant decision. But since we didn't have the experience, there wasn't much we could do.

Anyways, thank you all for the great semester. I hope you all have great success in your endeavors. Peace out!

-Chandler Martin  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Week Discussion, Question 2

My favorite thing about the class was definitely getting together with the groups and having the group essay assignments, because for me, it makes it a whole lot easier getting quality work done when 4 people put pieces together and are able to edit it the way you want them. Also being able to share thoughts makes for interesting discussions and even broader, more in depth responses to questions. My least favorite thing was hands down the fact that it was online. Although it was me who signed up for the class, it was my first time doing an online class and I never really adapted to not going to class twice a week and having to remember to check the website constantly. Unfortunately, this hindered my grade, but I know that I could've done much better had it been a physical class. Honestly, I don't think the class can be improved. It was a good class, and was fun yet challenging at the same time.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Last Week Discussion, Question 1

Throughout the course of the semester, I have learned many things. I think the most significant concept I learned was the difference between the various types of arguments, such as: deductive, inductive, and elimination. In the Think book, the example given in form of a syllogism is that:
1. All men are mortal
2. All fathers are men
3. Therefore, all fathers are mortal
I find this to be really interesting because we as people argue generally every day when we disagree about something, but to look at these claims from a broader, more in depth perspective is very curious. Also, the fact that you can have these same types of syllogisms, but they can be flawed too. An example given in the book is:
1. All men are tall people.
2. Tom Cruise is a man.
3. Therefore, Tom Cruise is a tall person.
However, generally people know that Tom Cruise isn't very tall. I just think the way it can go back and forth between true premises and can easily be either valid or invalid is compelling.